About Me

Merman, Dad.  Mer-MAN!
     No one ever knows what they really want to do with their lives when they are 18.  You either go to work, go to college, or join the military.  Or do none of those things and become a bum.  When I was 18, I wanted to make movies.  I got into a lot of trouble, I didn't have good grades, and I didn't want to study law, medicine, business, or any other waste of time thing that would make me a lot of money but keep me miserable for the rest of my life.  Besides, none of those schools would take me.  So I went to film school.  And never finished. 
     While I was there, I met a girl.  And soon afterwards we were married.  I would get a job and be like my father.  I would work for a living.  But four years in film school with no degree will put you in a pretty tight spot.  Odd jobs, retail and I shit you not, propane sales.  I finally found something steady in the copier business.  I'll say that again for shits and giggles.  The copier business.  Man, I hate my job.
     But I love my wife and our son and I still love movies.  When I'm not at work obsessively refreshing mentalfloss.com, and when I'm not being a father and husband, I spend just about all of my time either watching movies or playing video games.  But I also love the outdoors and spend as much time as possible hiking and camping in the southern Appalachians.
     And this blog?  Pretty stupid if you ask me.  This is what I clack away at after dark or when I'm locked away in my cubicle at work.  Because sometimes you just need to talk to strangers.  Or randomly write about things that no one cares about.
     It's funny how we end up writing "About Me" sections on our own make-believe websites. 
     Am I off topic?  About me.  I'm 28 and I live in South Carolina.