Friday, October 1, 2010

World's Greatest Dad... Goldthwait, Williams... Seriously

     The most artistic film I've seen since film school.  Written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait and starring Robin Williams, the whole film was made for a penny.  Fucking brilliant.  Autoerotic asphixiation, failed writers, teenage angst, suicide, private school (homage to Robin in Dead Poets Society), teacher to teacher sex, pot brownies, hoarding, goth chicks, homosexual jocks, lies, failed parenthood, and everything else that makes Dangerous Minds, Dead Poets Society, and  Stand and Deliver look like movies for pussies.  The old Bobcat has come a long way since Police Academy and Shakes the Clown.
     What the fuck did I just see?  It was glorious.  Worlds Greatest Dad.  Bobcat Goldthwait, Robin Williams.  Check it out.  Shit your pants and ask yourself why you wasted nine dollars to see Avatar.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Charlton Heston Could Kick Your Ass

     I was sitting at my house last Saturday afternoon, babysitting the little guy as usual.  My wife was out shopping and spending all of our money on ridiculous things that we don't need, and all I wanted to do was relax and watch a movie.  It was time for the little guy to have his nap, so I put him down to sleep and began scrolling through the hord of films that are stashed away on my Netflix queue on my Xbox.
     Holy crap.  Planet of the Apes.  I'm talking about the original of course.  The one with Charlton Heston that was made in 1968, not that blasphemous Tim Burton version with Marky Mark minus his Funky Bunch.  I love Tim Burton but everyone knows you don't remake classics (ahem, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).
     While watching the film I began to realize two things.  Planet of the Apes was brilliant and Charlton Heston was one bad ass son of a bitch. 
     He was old even back then and I'm a bit confused about why he was thought to be a sex symbol.  His man boobs sag a bit and his teeth are yellow and crooked.  His voice sounds like he's been smoking a pack of cigarettes a day since he was in the womb which must have been back in the mid-1800's from the look of the guy.  He looks like some ass-kicking corpse that's come back from the dead to rape your daughter and laugh about it.  But I guess back in the '60's this was sexy.
     Then there was that whole thing about Heston being the head of the NRA.  Fine.  I'm pro-gun but there was something about that image of Heston holding that rifle over his head and saying, "From my cold dead hands!" that just cracked me up.  I really wanted him to finish out the sentence with, "you damn dirty apes!"  And when that idiot Michael Moore did that horrible interview with him in Moore's film Bowling for Columbine, I wanted to piss my pants I was laughing so hard.  Heston looked like he was about 150 years old for that interview but I can remember thinking that Moore was only one cocky statement away from having his ass blown away by an ape fighting, cigar smoking, corpse.  You should know better than to mess with a guy who played Moses, Ben-Hur, and an ape fighting astronaut.
     Well, he's dead for realz now having passed away in 2008.  In reality, he was 85 when he died.  And I suspect that after he died Michael Moore tore the rifle from his "cold, dead hands".  Then he ate a hot dog.

Friday, September 17, 2010

A TV Marathon With Masters of Horror

     I came down with the flu a couple of days ago so I've been bedridden ever since.  I missed two days of work and somehow managed to talk my wife's parents into watching the little guy while I get better.  So besides shivering with fever, eating vitamin C, and generally tripping my ass off with NyQuil, I've had nothing better to do with my time for two days than to begin a TV marathon.  What was the show of my choice?  None other than Masters of Horror.  The terrifically terrible Showtime horror anthology that aired between four and five years ago.  Created by Mick Garris, the idea was to bring together the world's best horror film directors and have them each direct an episode or two.  Kind of like mini horror films that only run an hour instead of an hour and a half.  The result... well.  The result was admittedly less than brilliant.  Don't get me wrong.  One of the key ingredients to a great horror film is cheese.  And like real cheese, it takes time to age and mature and become delicious.  Perhaps I began eating this cheese too soon. 
     No.  I take that back.  I love Masters of Horror.  I could sit here and go on about how corny and stupid it is but I could go on even longer about how awesome it is.
     Maybe I'm just getting old.  (See previous post.)  But if I see something that was shot on video, anything that was shot on video, it makes me want to puke.  I hate video.  If you can't afford to shoot on film, then just don't do it in the first place.  Shoot 8mm if you have to but just don't make a film on video.  Even if it is an accepted fact that it is not meant to be good.  Masters of Horror was shot on video. 
     Now here's the funny part.  I really didn't care that much for once.  Because Masters of Horror achieved everything that it set out to achieve.  It was entertaining, corny, dark and at times, yes, slightly frightening.  But only if viewed by a thirteen year old girl.  And that's why it scored big points with me.  It took itself just seriously enough to insight that small bit of fear and fun with only a hint of tongue in cheek.  Unlike it's non-associated predecessor Tales From the Crypt, it did away with the unapologetic crypt humor of the Crypt Keeper.  There are no retarded cackles here.  But at the same time, it's not as if anyone of these "masters of horror" had set out to win an Academy award.  It is what it is and if you don't like the flavor then stop eating it.  If you haven't seen any episodes of Masters of Horror, then I highly recommend that you do.  They are available to either instantly stream or rent through the mail from Netflix.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Braid has Melted My Brain

     Xbox Live has some really cool things to offer including downloadable video games, movies, music, etc.  I recently downloaded this 2D game called "Braid" even though it's already been out for a couple of years.   You have to reverse time to solve puzzles.  Collect all the puzzle pieces in six different worlds, and put the puzzles together to get to the final world and win the game.  Puzzle on top of puzzle.  My brain has melted. 
     Time behaves very strangely in the world of Braid.  As you go forward across the screen time progresses but if you go backwards across the screen, time moves in reverse.  You also have to sometimes use your shadow to solve puzzles or manually reverse time by holding down the X button.  Death is sometimes used to your advantage and the whole thing is just a huge mind bend.  Very awesome and very frustrating at times.  If you want to exercise your brain and use logic like you've never had to use logic before, download this game.  It costs 800 Microsoft points which is around $10.  Last night I think I spent around two hours trying to retrieve a single stupid puzzle piece.  The puzzles can be extremely tough and literally make your brain hurt.  That, my friends, is the sign of a truly brilliant video game.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Getting Old Really Sucks

     I was cool.  I used to be cool.  And then one day I woke up and looked in the mirror and I was old.  My haircut was stupid, my clothes were out of style, and I looked really tired.  I used to be awesome.  I wore cool clothes and listened to cool music.  I went to art school.  Very cool.
     But then one day you realize that you are not cool.  You don't even realize it when it happens because it is so gradual.  There is no defining moment when you become old and uncool.  But there is a defining moment when you realize that you are old now and not cool anymore. 
     For me it was using the Last FM feature on my Xbox 360.  It's like Pandora radio.  You put in a band you like and it generates all these other bands that are like it.  When I put in the music that I used to listen to back in high school, I realized how old I had gotten.  Sublime, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Smashing Pumpkins, Bush, Nirvana, Beastie Boys.  Radiohead is still cool and I'm proud to say I was on that band wagon since day one.  Shove that up your asses, young hipsters.  Was 311 ever really cool?  I pondered this question and came to the conclusion that, yes, 311 used to be awesome.  But now.  Kids these days.  Kanye West should die, Lady Gaga is an attention seeking poser and the rest of the no-talent ass-clowns out there have ruined music.
     Also, now my bones are all creaky.  My back is fucked and I get winded walking up a flight of stairs.  I wonder if I should start doing old man things like drinking prune juice, taking up lawn bowling or shitting my pants?  
     Now get off my lawn.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day - Oh! A Tribute to Otho

     Glenn Shadix, the actor who was best known for his role as Otho in the movie Beetlejuice has died.  He was also the voice of the mayor of Halloweentown in The Nightmare Before Christmas.  Apparently he had been confined to a wheelchair for the past few years and took an unfortunate fall that caused a blow to his head.  While not the most famous actor in the world, his death saddens me.  Beetlejuice was a part of my childhood.

Joe Montana is an Ass Hole

     Joe Montana had some pretty mean things to say about Rudy Ruettiger recently.  First of all, I don't remember Joe Montana being mentioned at all in the movie, but apparently he was one of the guys on the team at the time.  Probably one of the guys that gave poor Rudy a hard time in the first place.  He'd better not go after Rocky next.  He's already crushed me with his comments about Rudy.  Even if things didn't happen exactly the way that they were portrayed in the film, he still didn't have to say what he said.  That movie was pretty damn special, even if it didn't mean to be.  Just ask any jock you know.  You can't help but to love it.  I'm no jock and never have been.  I don't know shit about football and would never claim to.  But I am a man.  And Rudy is a man's film.  Maybe Joe is just pissed off because he wasn't put in the film.  I say, down with Joe.  Damn.  I just sounded really gay.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  Here's the story and audio


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Notebook Made my Wife Kidnap Me

     There comes a time in many men's lives when they realize that it is time to say goodbye to the life of a reckless bachelor and bite the bullet and get married.  I'm sure that there are several reasons that a guy might ask a girl to marry him.  But I'm only familiar with the way that I myself became engaged.
     I never willfully asked my wife to marry me.  It was forced upon me.  She had hatched a plan.  Like some wretched evil sorceress, she had plotted to pull me into her web of date movies that in her mind personified what it might be like to be proposed to romantically by her fantasy knight in shining armor.  She was smarter than me.  She knew that things would never happen the way they did in the movie The Notebook.  So she made her own Notebook.
     I was working late that night.  It was around 10 or 11 o'clock by the time I was finished and she called me to tell me that she was on her way to pick me up.
     When she arrived, I saw that something was off.  Her face was covered in makeup and she was glowing.  She knew what I didn't know.  It was going to be her night.  Tonight was the night that I was going to propose to her.
     She began driving us home but she blew right past the turn that would lead us to our house.  "Where are you going?"  I asked. 
     "We're going to the beach."  We were off to Tybee Island.
     I was starving.  I asked her if we could please stop at Arby's so that I might get a sandwich, but I was refused.  Apparently, there was no time for earthly needs to be fulfilled.  Besides, she reminded me that Arby's was closed at this hour.  I had been kidnapped.  And denied Arby's.  Shit.
    When we arrived at the beach on Tybee, I was shown a ring in a teal blue Tiffany's box.  "This is the ring that you bought me, ok?" 
     "Ok,"  I said.
     "If anyone asks you, just say you got it at an estate sale."
    "What the hell is an estate sale?"
     "Don't worry about that.  Just tell them that it cost you a FORTUNE!"
     "....  Alright.  Look.  This is a little weird..."
    "Shut up!  You're ruining the moment."
     "How am I ruining the moment?  What moment are we talking about?"
    "The moment that you propose to me, silly.  Now, grab that basket in the back seat and follow me."
I looked in the back seat and there was a wicker basket with a picnic lunch in it and a cheap bottle of wine.  I grabbed it.
    She got out of the car and instructed me to follow.  A short hike over the sand dunes and we were sitting on the beach under a bright moon.  She told me pull the blanket out of the basket and spread it on the sand.  I looked in the basket and found the blanket.  Then I did what I was told.
     Then she pulled out the ring and said, "Now, ask me to marry you."
     "Ok.  Here."  I thrust the ring at her.
     "No!  Say it like you mean it."
     "Do you want to marry me?"  I asked.
     "Have you asked my father?"
     "It doesn't matter.  You can ask him afterwards.  Now say it like you mean it."
     "Ok, ok.  Will you marry me?"
     I think a few seconds passed afterwards before she picked up her phone and called every God damned friend she knew to tell them that she was engaged.  I wasn't entirely sure of what just happened.  After that, all I can remember was grabbing the bottle of wine out of the basket and turning it upside down over my mouth.  I considered drowning myself, but the tide was pretty low and I figured that I'd have to walk a good ways out before it got deep enough to really do the job.  With it being so shallow, I might have chickened out and stood up able to walk myself back to shore.
     Five years later, we're still married.  Thanks a lot, Nicholas Sparks.


Friday, September 3, 2010

The Birth of a Demon

     Although babies may look innocent and cute, I can assure you that this is just a ploy to deceive you into thinking that they are not demons.  Note my son in the pictures to the left and below. 
     He looks innocent enough.  But from the very beginning, they are plotting to destroy you by using every sneaky little trick in the book.  Crying, puking, pooping, peeing, getting sick, getting ear infections and many other things that would lead a man to think that the person committing these atrocities should be committed.  But babies know this and they disguise themselves as cute, helpless, adorable creatures so that they do not end up in an institution.  They use their helplessness as an excuse to puke in your mouth the moment you turn your head to speak to your wife while feeding the demon his bottle.  They will hold their pee in until the very moment that you open the diaper.  The reason that you opened the diaper in the first place was because the demon deceived you into opening it by unloading a massive explosion of diarrhea on the inside. 
     You see, they know that as soon as you smell the poop, you will open the diaper to get rid of the poop.  That is when the demon seizes his opportunity and unleashes his master plan which was to take a piss right in your face the second you take off the diaper.  This is hilarious to the demon and he won't even attempt to hide his laughter from you.  Once you have wiped the piss from your face and washed the poop from your hands and arms, the demon will continue to harass you by refusing to let you put a new diaper on it.  He will squirm and scream his demon scream, a high pitched screech like that of an over sized bat on cocaine.  Your ears will bleed, but you must not let this distract you from the task at hand.  You must continue on your endeavor to secure the diaper in it's proper place.  You must expose the demon's weaknesses and distract him with a toy.  Fuzzy animals work well, because after dark, I suspect that is what they feed on.
     When the demon has matured a bit, he will begin to crawl and later walk around.  He will learn to use his claws to grab things.  Important things, like unpaid bills and expensive books.  He will tear these into bits and throw the shreds of paper around the house after softening them with his saliva.   He will use his claws to destroy all that he sees.  Your Xbox 360 is not safe.  The green lit power button will attract him like a moth to the flame and before you have time to save your game, he will turn off the console.  He will pull over flat screen TV's by grabbing the cables that are tucked neatly behind them.  He will terrorize your dog by chasing him relentlessly around the house until finally catching the poor beast, pulling out handfuls of dog hair and biting the dog's ears.  And to top it off he will enter the kitchen where the dog's food and water bowls sit and dump them on the floor.
        If you give the demon toys that are not made of soft material, he will hit you in the head with them until you bleed.  If the demon discovers your wine rack, he will pull only the expensive bottles of wine off the rack to shatter them on the hard kitchen floor below.  The demon considers all things to be delicious and will put anything in his mouth.  He will devour dog poop, toy trucks, DVD's, shoelaces, your wife's makeup and jewelry, your wallet, and pretty much anything else that he is able to get his claws on.  Their trickery knows no bounds.